How Are Covid Lockdowns Killing People?

3 min readOct 20, 2020
You cannot live without a healthy brain

It has been documented that we have had an increase in dementia deaths of 20%. Specifically, over the summer of 2020 an estimated 61,000 people have died from dementia, which is 11,000 more than usual within that period.

Why? Dr. Tommy Wood a noted Phd in Brain Development has explained that in laboratory mice you can institute dementia by any one of the following 3 methods:

High calorie/low nutrition foods and added alcohol consumption!
  • Reduce Vascular Supply — Poor fuel of brain development (no DHA, etc.). In other words through a poor diet high in calories but low in nutrition. Also known as the Standard American Diet.
  • Poison the Mitochondria — This can range from toxins to diets which cause mitochondrial dysfunction. What diets cause this? Processed foods! Processed foods are food in boxes or tubes with brain poisoning preservatives and PUFA’s (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids from seed oils: Soy, canola, rapeseed, vegetable oils, etc.)
Can we thrive or even survive alone?
  • Remove Stimulation and Connection. In other words take Cognitive Workload and/or Social Connections away. Lock them in their homes and take away family and friends. Take away the normalcy they have always had which has added stability and stimulation to their lives.

I contend that this is what has been done to Americans as a DIRECT RESULT OF THE LOCKDOWNS!

Lockdown zealots have basically killed these folks by doing all 3 of the steps to create dementia.


Steps 1 & 2 were accomplished by telling people to stay in their homes. Many ordered food which could be delivered or purchased excess amounts of cheap and easy to make processed foods. Additionally, we have seen Alcohol consumption go through the roof with an increase of 27%. You want a brain poison, well there you go! The two of these together will surely poison your cellular mitochondria.

Step 3 is accomplished by the fear and the social distancing which has been sown by big media, politicians and mid-level bureaucrats and self-proclaimed “experts” on social media (usually trolls with OMB disease). All of these people have been told to remove themselves from the processes which have allowed their brains to fight cognitive decline and have been thrust into the fires of dementia eventuating in death.


Do not go along with totalitarians

Refuse to go along with the continued slaughter of your loved ones!

  • Tell them the truth about Coronavirus.
  • Protect them in smart and not harmful ways.
  • Help them to learn how to improve their metabolic health so they can avoid any type of a poor outcome from Coronavirus.

These are the smart and compassionate things all of us can do!

